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Since a little girl, I loved school and learning. In elementary through high school, I've obtained over 50 awards for my distinguished honors, perfect attendance, leadership, community service, and much more. I'm simply motivated by the things that I don't have, what I've been through, and where I am going. As a young black girl, coming from a single-parent household and not many resources, I found a greatness in myself and love for myself that also keeps me pushing toward success. I've suffered many bumps in the road, and unfortunately one of the hardest bumps to get over was the death of my father, but my ultimate goal is to take my story and share it as a testimony of "You can do it if you put your mind to it!" for others like me. Because of this, I've launched my own podcast and positivity blog, NOPODCAP, to help inspire and share my story with others. 

My plan is to uplift and encourage through the social media posts, podcasts, and community events and engagements. NOPODCAP was organized as a social media blog that shares positive messages and vibes with our followers. NOPODCAP also has a podcast compartment that will talk about everyday life issues, share testimonials, give advice and feedback on certain issues, spread peace and love, and act as a community based on positive morals. NOPODCAP has already partnered with small businesses like #WhatIWishIKnewFoundation in their Cease Fire Back to School Drive on August 18, 2019. The creator and host of NOPODCAP, Teirra Renee, donated over $50 in school supplies to the foundation as a token of her appreciation and inspiration to the youth. The #WhatIWishIKNewFoundation serviced over 200 youth in the North West Philly region, so you can definitely say it was a success. Ultimately, NOPODCAP wants to continue to be able to give and help our communities, inspire all to live a greater and healthy life, and tell our stories. 

NOPODCAP began because honestly I was tired of hearing about all of the negative things in our communities. I'm a firm believer in "What you hear is what you think, and what you think is what you see." thus, we have to be mindful of what we digest into our minds and spirits. As a late millennial, social media and other technological networks are like second nature to me. I use Instagram, Twitter, and sometimes Facebook everyday, and the content that was being posted was very negative and disgusting. I literally didn't even have to watch the news to hear about the latest deaths or shootings; everything is at your disposal with the source of internet. It was hurtful to hear about so many casualties in my city and I felt the dire need to reverse the negative energies expelled in our environment, so I thought long and hard about how I could influence a large group of people. It took a short time for me to figure out that I needed to be broadcasting more positive and optimistic news, beliefs, and mindsets and a podcast was the best way to do so. I need to be able to influence and touch others who have walked in similar, traumatizing walks as I have and to give them a hand as they continue to walk these paths in life. I want to let them know that they are not alone, they have the power to change their situations, and they have to build a positive perspective on life in order to be fruitful. 

NOPODCAP is here to serve, empower, and employ our communities that are struggling with getting ahead in life due to several reasons like lack of resources, poor and pessimistic mindsets, and the hateful environments to name a few. NOPODCAP's purpose is to help many out of their miseries by telling my story and emphasizing the importance of having a growth mindset through my podcast- an easy, efficient and free way of obtaining knowledge. 

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