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Go through it to Get through it.

Happy Tuesday beautiful beings!

Of course pain is understood to be a negative feeling or thing that one edures because of some reason. Pain varies from person to person, but ultimately it is a feeling of hurt, physical or mental. Pain is necessary though, this is why it's vital that our mindsets are healthy and in a great place because it's all about how YOU view it and deal with it. Pain is apart of the process, you have to experience some type of challenge or pain in order to grow. Particularly, when an athlete is injured, they feel physical and mental pains most times, although, they go through it to get through it. Most athletes go to therapy to heal their pain, participate in light work outs, and attend their games even if they are not playing. The great thing is the athlete's persistence to get through their pain; they indulge in many activities to keep them focused and grounded in their works. Athletes are able to heal pretty quickly because they are constantly focusing on dealing with and treating their pain. After returning to their line of work, there's more challenges that athletes face, but eventually they are able become better. See, pain can also be a distraction to your process, thus it's vital that you do perservere through the pain and aim to achieve your goals despite. After withstanding pain and other difficult obstacles, you grow to learn that you needed that pain, in order to make you better and stronger.

Going through the pain is one thing, but getting through the pain is another thing because when you get to the other side of that pain, your purpose becomes clearer. Every time you break through pain, your purpose is amplified and confirms your path. Think about this, if you never struggle or suffer pain, how can you develop yourself as a person? Pain allows us to develop our character and mental health; growing yourself is a huge part of living life. Don't be discouraged by pain, know that when you deal with and treat your pain, you can discover your purpose. I love you all, remember to dig deep, and LOVE ON PURPOSE! 💚✨

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